Bern, Glarus, Zürich

Kirchheim, Heidelberg, Baden, Odenwald

Ulrike Engel private Familienforschung

Auf der Suche nach Verwandten

Instructions for robots and their operators.

Kanada, USA

Invalid Page Address
The page, you tried to navigate to, does not exist

A program error is not very likely, we test the Web Site, before we open it for public.

For web site evaluations, please obey the rules as lined out in the file robots.txt

The complete publication consists of around 30 different php programs, where most of them compile a web page by using records
out of a larger genealogical database with more than 300 000 profiles of person who are deceased a long time ago.
The total record count is more than 5 000 000 rows.

It does not make sense for robots, to try the same program with different parameters over and over again, the results will look similar,
and the webmaster is not interested in having these results indexed.

Futhermore, we modify the structure of our publication permanently.

Just a few php pages contain general explanations, suitable for being indexed.

Important note for commercial search engines: We have nothing for sale. Our publication is about private family research.

In particular: Here is no shop.

These are the pages, we wish to be inspected by search engines:

Welcome Page.

Some statistical figures.

Detailed Information Page.